Information on how to set up the config.toml file.
The config.toml
file is the heart of the bot. Make sure to read the information carefully to not make any mistakes.
These are the current fields in the config.toml file:
Let's break down each field, followed by more details on it.
One of the most common mistakes has to do with case sensitive fields. Make sure all true/false values are lowercase.
✅ true/false
❌ True/False
This is the rpc url that would be used to query the Solana blockchain. Make sure this rpc is good and has a decent rate limit, for more info check out Node.
The bot also allows you to connect using gRPC rather than websockets (wss). If you do not want to use a gRPC connection, then leave this field EMPTY.
Always fill in a valid wss url in this field, even if you will be using gRPC. Never leave this field empty/invalid.
This is a url of a discord webhook if you would want to use that. It would send you notification on what the bot has bought/sold. Don't know what webhooks are?
This is only important if you are using jito , if you aren't ignore it. If you are using jito then make sure to choose the location that is closest to your server/machine. Locations available to choose from
This is the speed that transactions will be spammed if using normal sending. If you are using jito sending this setting will be will also be applied to it.
This is the interval that the bot will refresh the current prices at for pumpfun riskmanagement in milliseconds.
If you do not want to use stop loss / take profit, set this to 0
Risk management is only enabled using gRPC.
Allows you to set headers when connecting to grpc node.
example: make sure there are no unnecessary spaces.
Are you using Websockets & rpc? Only then is this field important for you, else ignore. This is an array that you can add multiple rpcs to , to distribute the load on the rpcs. Example:
Notice the quotation marks and the commas after each rpc, except the last one. If you do not want any extraRPc then delete all RPCs.
This will put the bot in turbo mode, making it much faster. This is highly recommended to use with gRPC, and will give you lots of 0 blocks. However if you are using websockets, then this mode is not recommended.
This setting is closely related to a setting in the tasks file task_maximum_buys_per_token
. In a nutshell this is what this feature achieves:
This allows you to limit the amount of time a token would be bought accross all tasks. However it is a bit advanced. Imagine your value is 5. Across all tasks the bot is allowed to buy the token 5 times. If it sells all tokens, then the counter resets. If it sells a percentage of the tokens, the counter decreases by 1, allowing the bot 1 more purchase.
The task_maximum_buys_per_token
works the same way, except this is per task.
This option sends the transaction through the Jito network, which allows you to tip the validators, to increase your landing rates, and reducing landing times. 👍
to enable it, set it to true
, else to false
This option sends the transaction through the nextblock network, which allows you to tip the validators, to increase your landing rates, and reducing landing times. 👍
to enable it, set it to true
, else to false
This option sends the transaction through the temporal network, which allows you to tip the validators, to increase your landing rates, and reducing landing times. 👍
to enable it, set it to true
, else to false
This option sends the transaction through the bloxroute network, which allows you to tip the validators, to increase your landing rates, and reducing landing times. 👍
to enable it, set it to true
, else to false
option sends the transaction through the circular network, which allows you to tip the validators, to increase your landing rates, and reducing landing times. 👍
For now, only available in AMSTERDAM region.
to enable it, set it to true
, else to false
Highly recommend using a sending service.
This is only important if you are using nextblock, if you aren't ignore it. If you are using nextblock then make sure to choose the location that is closest to your server/machine. Locations available to choose from
If using bloxroute, the url where the transactions will be sent to.
If using bloxroute, your authorization header key,
This is only important if you are using temporal, if you aren't ignore it. If you are using temporal then make sure to choose the location that is closest to your server/machine. URL Locations available to choose from
Direct HTTP:
Secure HTTPS:
If you decide to use jito or nextblock, then this is the tip fee in $SOL, that would be tipped per transaction. Recommended tips varies based on the current market conditions, make sure to always keep your tip fee up to date to stay competitive.
The minimum tip fee is 0.001 $SOL
The following settings are for advanced users, you can freely ignore them in 99% of cases. just leave the default values in there.
Last updated